Friday, August 12, 2016

Epic Igloos - August 2016

Hello penguins! Welcome to Epic Igloos, the feature here on Club Penguin Secrets where I show you 3 igloos and go into detail about them.

First, I present a vacation home igloo made by Spanish user Beyeza1. It features the house, a garden with many different types of crops to tend to, a small creek flowing into the garden, a picnic table with a colored umbrella and two lawn chairs, two red pool chairs with a glass end table between them and a Catchin' Waves beach towel in front of them, a well, a wheelbarrow full of fresh dirt, and finally, a glass statue of a penguin that is way taller than any penguin in the game. I think the best thing to do here is work in the gardens. I really want some of that tasty watermelon. Yum.

This is a train depot built by Harry Cp, also known as MyCPTales. It has a nice entrance room with benches and small trees. Above the doors is a clock tower, found in many train depots. To the left we have the ticket booths where penguins can buy tickets to ride on the monorail train. To the right we have a relaxation room of sorts with a bench, a Slurpee machine, a dish of candy, and a platter of tasty nachos and salsa. Delicious! Below that we have the platform for waiting whilst the train arrives. There happens to be a street musician's forgotten guitar case there, out in the open for anyone to steal. I hope it isn't taken before they return. At the very bottom we have the track with a train arriving. This train is really cool, and is made up of the 2014 Lockers, Old Sofas, and 2014 Puffle Tubes. It is one of the most stylish trains I have seen since the Holiday 2013.

The third and final igloo I will present this month is a prison created by the user Tamsy4. It has a nice front room with two computers, shelves with numerous trophies and awards, a control desk, and televisions which may or may not be for announcements occasionally. Below that, we see the cafeteria. It has lockers, one picnic table for the prisoners to sit at, and one cafeteria line with green slime and eyeballs, which may or may not be what actual real prisoners eat. The conversation room is to the right of the cafeteria. The conversation room is where the prisoners can talk to their visitors. The right half of the room is the cells. There are 8 cells in this prison, holding up to 8 prisoners. All cells have dishes of food and water for the prisoners to eat and drink. I wonder what the food is made out of.....

So that's all for this edition of Epic Igloos! Check back soon for more secrets and more! Next week I post a fun fact about the Adventure Party. I hope to see you then. Goodbye!

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