Friday, August 5, 2016

Fashion Festival Party Review

Hello penguins! Today I'll be reviewing the Fashion Festival from August 2015. Two reviews in two weeks? You people are spoiled. Anyway, here I begin.

First of all, the rooms. From the few rooms that we got, I really enjoy them from the start through week two. My favorite room is the Stadium. It has a lot of fun things to do, nice coloring on everything, and has a nice blue instead of the sand seen in many of the other rooms. It also features a nice golden puffle statue atop the waterfall.

The Dock is also really nice. It has a nice stage that fits the theme very nicely, and the voting booth even has a Party Hat on.

But at the start of week three, the winners of each category were announced in a very annoying way. The winners were announced in tall frames instead of a booth, which would have been helpful, as it was during the Festival of Snow.

One room that I didn't like throughout the whole party, though, was the Epic Wave. This room debuted at the Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam in August two years prior, and was lots of fun. This time, the coloring was all weird. The rest of the party had a nice even coloring. Plenty of darks, plenty of lights. But the Epic Wave just had darks. 80% or more was either dark purple or dark blue, which is quite unappealing.

The music is notably enjoyable.
The main theme reminds me of the Fashion Show in February 2012, which, I assume, is what it was going for. 

As for the other tracks, the Snow Forts comes from the Music Jam 2014 and actually fits, which is a miracle at this point. The Dock may or may not be new music. It sounds quite familiar, but I can't seem to find the source. This track is wonderful. The Forest seems to have new music, which is quite nice and fits the theme. 

But most of all, my favorite track in this party is for the Epic Wave, which has been recycled from the Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam of August 2013. It has grand instrumentation and doesn't get annoying, even after long periods of time. It's one of my favorite tracks in the game, up there with the Winter Fiesta 2008 theme. It also slightly reminds me of Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas simply for the instruments used.

This party had one item. Just one. It's a little less than two, but a bit more than zero. It's a background.

This is the Fashion Festival background. It's not good. The stage portion is fine, but the flowers are kind of mediocre. Dot had no reason to be here, and since they only have one or two drawings of her new outfit this is the only one they use and I'm sick of seeing it everywhere. The shadows don't even look right. Also, this item focuses on the classy stage while having nothing to do with the other two stages, which is stupid. It would be nice if there were different versions of this item without Dot in them, but this is what we got. Oh well.

This party has arguably more playability than most other parties in 2015. The 3 stages had playability already, but the main feature of this party was to create outfits, submit them, and then vote on them; But to submit outfits, you had to get a ticket. The way to get tickets was, you had to vote on ten outfits in the voting booth. This most likely prevented users from spamming outfits and overloading the system and preventing all others from collecting likes.

Another cool playability feature is that every two or three days, the categories on each stage would change. This keeps the stages fresh and interesting and justifies the length of the party - three whole weeks.

As for story, once again, this party has none. I'm glad that when I review the Inside Out Party next month, it will break the streak of no stories.

In conclusion, this party is good. It's not necessarily great, but far from being bad or obnoxious. It had some good decorations, and some bad decorations. it had some okay music. While the item wasn't very good, it had good activities to make up for it. I'd give it a solid 7/10. Goodbye!

Thanks to the Club Penguin Wiki for information and images.

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