Monday, October 5, 2015

Blast to the Past - Medieval Party Underground Pool

Hello penguins! Welcome to my new series, Blast to the Past! Just like my other new series' this year, Epic Igloos and Club Penguin Customs, I will have a week dedicated to posting one Blast to the Past a day for 6 days. Today we have the Underground Pool from the Medieval Party!
The last time the Underground Pool was decorated for a Medieval Party was in May 2012. It is the most well-known of all of the Underground Pool decorations for a Medieval Party. It looked like this:
This is cool, but the one that many people don't know about is the original Medieval Party Underground Pool from May 2008. It looks like this:
This must be where all the free gold in Ye Knights Quest II came from! I think this place is really cool. The blue crystals are nice. There's also a top hat by the wall, and in the 2012 version the top hat is in the gold pile by the other wall. Do you like the 2008 Medieval Party Underground Pool? Tell me in the comments below or tell us on Twitter by tweeting @CPSecretsofCP! I'll see you all tomorrow! Goodbye!

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