Sunday, April 10, 2016

Club Penguin Customs - Puffle Party (Part 1)

Hello penguins! Today I will show you a few rooms for the Puffle Party that I have created. I made about 8 to show you today. So let's get started! Please note that if I missed a puffle domain, it means that I think the last version of that domain was good. If that domain has been replaced, the replacement has been relocated.
This is the Book Room, also known as the Blue Puffle domain. It has a little playset from the Forest from the Puffle Party 2012. There is a Blue Puffle Rug taken from the Pet Shop. A blue beanbag chair is next to the blue reading chair, which has been recolored from brown. A few of the books on the bookcase have been recolored blue. The books and flower pot on top have been changed to various shades of blue. 2 of the walls have a new coat of paint. The orange couch has been replaced with the red one from the 5th Anniversary Party. The lampshade is now blue and has beach balls on it. The PENGUIN ART section on the wall has some new art. The biggest one, which was previously blank, has been filled in by a blue puffle from the actual Club Penguin Fan Art page. The red and green puffles on the painting in the bottom right have been recolored blue. A beachball has been placed next to the middle mancala table, which I added. A blue book has been added to the table with the lamp on it. Blue Puffle balloons have been placed in various locations around the room. Blue Puffles are located on the top of the bookcase and on both of the sofas.

UPDATE: The Lighthouse from the Puffle Party 2013 also includes real fan art in the paintings, so I think it would fit even better using real fan art here, knowing that.

This has been a sample. Click "Read More" to see four more awesome custom rooms like this!

The Ski Village is rather simple. The Puffle Play Zone is back, along with the Puffle Show, which has been absent since 2012. The 2013 party's Ski Village, which I used as a base, had construction tools and the broken Everyday Phoning Facility, so I pasted in the new EPF building and the regular ground. The door to the wilds are inside the Puffle Show.
The Pizza Parlor is the Red Puffle's domain, since I like the Waterpark at the Cove, where the red puffles previously resided. For this room, I recolored the tables. I cropped the crow's nest from the Red Puffle raft and placed it on top of the piano. Then, I added some red balloons by the doorway to emphasize that this is the Red Puffle's domain a bit more. I replaced the fire on the hot sauce logo with a flaming black puffle, for obvious reasons. Next, I placed a block of stinky cheese on the front counter. The logo on the Puffle Pizza Machine has changed from a White Puffle to a red one. Various puffles have been placed around the room. The puffle on the chair at the table has been custom made. I feel like I should add a few more things to this room, but I have yet to decide. This post will be updated with any updates I make, as soon as I make them and upload the image.
This is the Dock. I really liked this room to begin with, so I didn't do much here. I erased the design on the ground, which took up most of the time designing this room, and replaced it with the regular Dock ground (without signs or furniture on it, of course). Then, I removed the Tabby Cat and Border Collie Puffles on the arches and replaced them with the Green and Rainbow Puffles from the Snow Forts during the Puffle Party 2013.
I really liked the Nightclub from the Puffle Party 2013, so I only upgraded it slightly.
I replaced DJ3K with SoundStudio so penguins could play the game, obviously. The puffle from the top of the DJ3K set was moved to the back of the DJ area. I added the Television set, but smaller than it regularly is so penguins can see the Purple Puffle and decorations easier. The Keeper of the Boiler Room was missing in the base, so I recolored it to purple and placed it on top of the speaker.

So this is what I've been up to. I should have a few more rooms available in a few weeks. The Puffle Party review should be posted in about a week. Until then, goodbye!

Thanks to the Club Penguin Wiki team for supplying me with images from the Puffle Party 2012, Puffle Party 2013, Puffle Party 2015, 5th Anniversary Party, Holiday Party 2010, and current rooms.

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