Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Party Review - Holiday Party 2015

Hello penguins!

I know that the Holiday Party 2015 ended over two weeks ago, but I really want to do this. But instead of a formulaic review like the Halloween Party review or the party reviews on Club Penguin Space, I'm just going to review them by paragraph based on each little thing. It's not going to be a review where every section gets a grade and then I average it out. It's going to flow somewhat naturally. So, let's begin. I already sound like a rushed YouTube top 10 list. I should probably start before I make it worse.

The party rooms were pretty nice. Rooms that weren't decorated last year, like the Pizza Parlor, Nightclub, and Cove. The decorations that they did have were very nice. They were partially reused, but I don't care. They still look wonderful. Some of them even look better than they did at the last Holiday Party in 2012 or 2013. I can especially say this for the Ski Hill and the Nightclub. All of the returning rooms look nice, such as the Beach, Plaza, Mine Shack, and Forest. (They are considered returning rooms because they are recolored versions of the Merry Walrus party rooms.) Technically the Cove and the Coffee Shop are returning rooms, but they weren't at the Merry Walrus Party, so I don't care. Lots of rooms also have interactive elements, like the camera at the Ski Lodge or Santa's Sled. 3 of the rooms, the Beach, the Plaza, and the Forest, have new ways to earn money for Coins for Change. The team was planning to add the Bakery from 2012, but they didn't have time to implement it. Pictures have been added to the Club Penguin Wiki. Room that I didn't expect to have decorations were decorated. The UFO and the Nightclub were decorated, which were interesting, since temporary rooms are usually not decorated for parties, and the Nightclub had only been decorated twice so far that year. One cool thing I would like to point out is, at the Ski Hill, there is an Intothemoat snowman. Intothemoat is the Sled Racer world champion.

The music was also very pleasant. The Cove and Dance Lounge featured a remix of Christmas Jam titled Christmas Jammin', which I really enjoyed. Many old songs such as Snowy Holidays and Jingle Bells have returned as well. My favorite song is the Candy Cane March, which played at the Ski Village and the Ski Hill during the party. If you disabled SoundStudio, you could hear the instrumental music for Puffle Shuffle in the background. I love that song so much. All of the music was good, and I don't have a problem with any of it. Moving on!

As for things to do, this party had lots. As I mentioned above, the Beach, Plaza, and Forest all have a system that gives you money for helping out with little things like donating to the Food Shelf. Aside from that, you can also get your picture taken with Santa at the Ski Lodge and deliver presents in Santa's Sled right above the Dance Lounge. Rockhopper docked the Migrator at the Beach during this party, and any penguin that had the key to the Captain's Quarters could play Treasure Hunt. Crystal Puffles were available for adoption at this party, and members could transform into Frostbites, which haven't been seen since the Holiday Party 2012. And, of course, everybody could donate to Coins for Change.

As for story, there isn't one. But that's okay. There hasn't been a story to a Holiday Party in the past.

In total, this party gets an 8/10. I can't wait to see what the team does for the Holiday Party in 2016.
What do you think? Post a comment or tweet us @CPSecretsofCP with your opinion. Goodbye!

Thanks to TheCPSoundtrackTrainman1405, and The Club Penguin Wiki (secondary link) for all of the links, music, and the single picture towards the top of the post.

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