Thursday, November 12, 2015

Epic Igloos - November 12th, 2015

Hello penguins! Welcome back to another edition of Epic Igloos! Today we have some really cool igloos, and some aren't available anymore! So let's get started, shall we?

This is a cafe made by my pal Politzania. As you can see, it has a nice red cityscape in the background, but in the foreground, there's the restaurant! This restaurant has a kitchen with an oven, a pizza oven, a barrel of ream soda, a coffee machine, a fridge, a blender, and a bar. Most diners have this. There is also some corner booths that have various items such as nachos, candy, and a book on the table. There is also some regular booths in the middle with nachos and tea on the tables. The door is made out of a pantry, which looks somewhat like a real door with the fridges in the way. The puffle tubes (I think that's what he used) work very well as windows. There is also a dirt path outside, leading to the door.There is also some TVs on the wall for anyone who may want to watch while they wait for their food. The plants outside look really nice as well. I can't go much longer without talking about the karaoke part of this igloo. It has a karaoke stage towards the middle, with a mop, recycling bin, and 2 jukeboxes where penguins can sing.

This is a Christmas Village made by Teddythany. It has lots of shops with cool things in the windows, as well as a really cool cobblestone path made out of Stone Benches. There also appears to be a few Christmas trees behind the buildings. The fences separate the snow from the path. In the snow section, there are a few Christmas trees, as well as a large one made out of smaller ones. A ton of presents also sit under the tree. Over twoards the smaller Christmas trees, there are tables with nachos and dip on them. There are candy canes spread throughout the whole thing.
This is a Poor Village created by my friend Neon Sports. It features a river, a little fire pit to tell stories, a pond, a few village houses, gardens, a potion stand, a library, a fountain, a restaurant, a river, a bench, some boats to sail around in, a wishing well, tiki torches, and finally, a stone path going through the town. This igloo is nice and simple. I wish it could have just a few more things, but it's still very nice for things such as roleplaying and adventuring.

I hope you enjoyed today's edition of Epic Igloos! Which one was your favorite? Tell us in the comments of this post or on Twitter by tweeting us @CPSecretsofCP! Goodbye!

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