Sunday, September 6, 2015

Epic Igloos - September 6th, 2015

Hello penguins! Today I went on the server Blizzard to look at cool igloos. While there, I found some I felt I should show you guys.

Politzania had this nice Starbucks igloo. I've never been to a Starbucks, so I have no idea if this is realistic or not, but it has nice details and colors. The red does annoy you for a bit, but you get used to it very quickly.

This cool royal castle was built by Jellybean939. It has nice detail and lots of roleplaying value with all of the features cleverly placed. I like the light yellow evening sky on the outside and the night sky on the inside. The haunted mansion cutout outside looks very nice and suits as a cabin or a woodshed.

This igloo is a prison built by P217036484. It features lots of roleplaying instruments such as visiting prisoners, prison cafeteria food, trying to break out, checking in visitors, etcetera. I had some fun visiting my friend Bop90 in prison. I also checked a few visitors in.

This is a campsite igloo. Sadly, I don't know who built it. It has nice little cabins for everyone to sleep in. It also has a boiling pot of, cheesy broccoli stew? It has a nice little waterway for swimming and a small river. This river is where the water, presumably the power, and the fish come from. I caught a fish thanks to the wonderful supply of delicious fluffies in the river.
UPDATE: September 9th, 2015 - This igloo was made by A Branbit

This igloo is a snowball fight igloo between 3 teams: Team Red, Team Blue, and Team Green. Sadly, the fellow who built this igloo left before I could catch his name. It has headquarters for the three teams, a TV interview spot, a kitchen with delicious pineapples, melons, bananas, apples, cream soda, and more. Each location has 3 different couches and chairs along with a rug, a coffee or end table, and some bookcases. It also has an exit in the middle, where you can walk up the steps and leave. This igloo has very nice detail and makes you feel as if you are really in the woods, but it also makes you feel as if you were at home. I like that about this igloo.

Those are my picks for today's Epic Igloos! I hope you liked this post! Be sure to share on Facebook and Twitter if you do! Goodbye!

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