Saturday, May 11, 2013

Club Penguin May Color Party

Hi guys! This is Icystorm 9 here giving you info on the color party this month. Every month I will do color parties. This month's color is brown. Wear brown tomorrow for the party on Snowy River at 1:00 Penguin Standard Time. It starts at my igloo and ends at the mine. Instead of me being black with Red Untied Sneakers, I will be brown with Slate Untied Sneakers. After that party, I will be hosting another party on Monday at 2:00 Penguin Standard Time with the same events.

Watch me and my puffles do tricks
Visit various places
Get postcards
Meet the crew including me, Beard1, and Greenguy3900
Play Hide-and-Seek

Bye! I hope to see you there. Until 1:00 PST tomorrow, this is Icystorm 9, over and out.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

New Spy Drills Game!

 Hey, guys! It's Icystorm 9 here! Guess what? If you go to HQ, there is a new game called Spy Drills! Here are some pictures of it.
                        This is a picture of me next to the new game, Spy Drills!
            This is a picture of the Main Menu! This was on the blog a few days ago.

                           This is the menu you get when you hit the "Train" button.
                         This is the menu you get when you hit the "Challenge" button.
In the challenge button, you get medals for finishing all the games in a row. It is really fun. You should try it! I got a bit of medals from it already.
 So, that is a review for the new Spy Drills game! I hope you like it! Until then, this is Storm, signing off.                                            -Icystorm 9

Penguin Style May 2013 Cheats

 Hey, guys! It's Icystorm 9 here giving you the Penguin Style catalog for May 2013! The first cheat is on the 1st member page. Click on the fan that the penguin is holding.
  The next cheat is the sandals on the next page. There is a green and yellow set and a blue and yellow set.

 The last cheat is on the Penguins at Work page.  It's like the Sashimi suit only improved!
 Now, I will show you all the pages. On page 1, there are the colors. No difference.
The next page is the backgrounds. There are some bamboo things and a tree with pink flowers.
The next page is the Non-Member items. Nothing changed.
Next up are the member items. There are some dresses and hairdos for the elements.
The next page is 2 ninja training with cool costumes. They brought back The Flip, which is weird because it was in the clearance sections last month.

The next page is cool. It has the Tags, which are like dog tags, and the White Sneaks, which are like sports shoes. And if you ask me,  they look like shoes that I had a super long time ago.
  The next page has some items. They have the Magenta Sandals and the Slate Untied Sneakers. I have similar items. I have the Green Sandals and the Red Untied Sneakers.
 The last page is cool. It has the Sashimi Costume. I haven't tested it yet, but I think what it does is throw sushi in the air and eat it. Also, thanks to Monchocho at Monchocho's Website for the cheats pictures!
 I hope this helped you! Until then, this is Storm, signing off.
                                                                                  -Icystorm 9

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Blog Updates

Hey, guys! It's Icystorm 9 here, and I'm gonna tell you some stuff. In March, me and Beard made a chart on who does what. But that won't really work well. I'm the main blogger for the blog, and Beard hardly posts at all. So, all the stuff is done by me, except for Furniture Catalogs and Igloo Catalogs. See you guys later!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

New Pin!

 Hey guys!!! It's me, Icystorm 9 here, and there is a new pin, the Snow Lantern pin! It is at the Recycling Plant! To get there, go to the Mine Shack. Then go in the door on the left building! Bye!!!